Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Idk... so much 2 say then there r things i CANT say...

friends hav always encouraged me 2 do things i didnt even no i could do, and then other times all they did wuz giv me a hard time... But thx 2 these guys who hav been idiots, and a good friend

Tanner Segars... omg we've been the greatest friends since 7th grade and we still continue 2 b the lazy idiots 2day... there is 2 many fun times 2 even list... all i can really say is that he's a guy who goes 2 sleep at 9 and wakes up at about 7 jst 2 wake me up! 1 other thing i can always say bout him is he is the BIGGEST game nerd i've ever seen, runescape, halo, grand theft auto, and other games he's always had 2 talk 2 me about video games when we're on the fone...

Becky Ogren... The bestest friend whos a girl (didnt wana say girlfriend) in my life!!!!! We've known each other since we where in dipers and i still talk 2 her 2day. She's an amazing dancer, and very pretty (she's a friend, i dont think of her that way, lol)... Her brother and i hav also been friends for a long time... well her and her family went 2 the same church 2gether and hopefully i can c her in the 07 summer!!

The Kemp and Rocky croud... well i've known kemp as long as i've known tanner but i met rocky i think about a year ago? idk... but both rocky and kemp are a great couple and i envy their relationship (dont ask, they no wut i'm talking about)... but the group they hang with r great friends of mine and i luv 2 hang with them when i can!

The Ben Powell, Matt Powell, and Alix Conte group... these guys i've known the longest except for becky... we all met in 5th grade and it didnt take long for me 2 notice how wierd they where... but we actually started hanging out about 7th grade.... So now in 10th grade they keep urging me 2 do flips, and b jst as stupid as they r...

Fer the rest of my friends.... yall r great, i'm glad 2 hav yall with me and i wish i could list every 1 of ya, but i really dont wana... but thx for the great times!!!

1 comment:

♥ Rocky Loves Kemp. If u cant tell...♥ said...